A Water Kiosk at School is a project within the International Transformation Foundation (ITF). In 2009, ITF began as a vision of Rwanda-born Venuste Kubwimana. Driven by the will to make a difference in the lives of the youth of Africa, Venuste recruited several others to make this vision a reality. Soon enough, ITF partnered with Join the Pipe Foundation, whose mission is to provide clean and sustainable drinking water sources to deprived communities. Join the Pipe is divided into three sub-projects, one of which is A Water Kiosk at School. This is a primary-school-based project where students manage the business of selling clean tap water to community residents at an affordable price. The kiosk is both an educational and profitable business, teaching students valuable entrepreneurial skills and generating much needed income for schools. The set up the kiosk is funded by donations, and a portion of the kiosk's income is both redeployed to a neighboring school and used for activities such as buying toilet paper, maintaining the kiosk, and improving the quality of sanitation and education.
A Water Kiosk at School provides the entire community with clean drinking water, eliminating dependency on a third party to maintain the system. This project tackles several issues facing the residents, including: youth unemployment post schooling from lack of business knowledge, academic absenteeism, inaccessibility to clean drinking water, water-born illness exposure, and economic instability, among other problems. With the work from A Water Kiosk at School, students no longer have to leave class to travel far distances in order to collect water from a remote well or river water source several times a day. The entire community benefits from this convenient, safe kiosk.
Describe your image
A Water Kiosk at School aims to serve and empower the youth of Africa through business experience by providing rural communities with access to affordable, clean drinking water.
Establish Relationship
We contact a specific school in an area, because the school is our connection to the greater community. Contact is through physical mail since the use of email through computers is not plentiful. Once the interest is reciprocated, personal meetings with community members and our team are planned to construct a relationship along with a water kiosk.
Construction Process
The specific location of the water kiosk must be outside of a school gate to ensure school activities are not interrupted, yet still be close enough to a water source. The technician then determines the best material and configuring of pipes to fit the physical area. Finally, with the help of many generous volunteers, a final brick and mortar kiosk is created.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The kiosk is managed by two students per day with specific roles. One receives money and does the bookkeeping while the other is responsible for assisting customers at the water tap. At the end of each day, book records are submitted to the designated teacher. Then, a monthly report and visit ensures operations are efficient and user surveys are performed every quarter to gauge how we can improve.
Financing schools in communities with no tap water system, to set up an onsite water kiosk with sustainable products for the students to transport clean water from school to their homes.
Educational and profitable business teaching students entrepreneurial skills and generating income for schools. Student-managed business selling clean water to community residents at an affordable price.
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